The word anaesthesia is coined from two Greek words: "an" meaning "without", and "aesthesis" meaning "sensation". Relief of pain and suffering is central to the practice of anaesthesia

The Anaesthetist will perform a preoperative assessment of your medical conditions, plan your medical care, and closely monitor your health and wellbeing throughout the procedure to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery. The Anaesthetist will be present throughout your procedure.

Types of anaesthesia include General, Sedation, Regional and Local. The type of surgery will determine which type of anaesthetic is the most suitable.


General anaesthesia refers to the practice of administering medications either by injection or by inhalation (breathing in) that block the feeling of pain and other sensations, or that produce a deep state of unconsciousness that eliminates all sensations, which allows medical and surgical procedures to be undertaken without causing undue distress or discomfort. General anaesthesia often involves placement of a breathing tube and connection to a ventilator (breathing machine).


A lighter form of anaesthesia, often referred in lay terms as “twilight” anaesthesia. Sedation may be classed as light where verbal contact is maintained, or deep where verbal contact is not maintained. A breathing tube or breathing machine is not required and the recovery and discharge is generally faster. You may remember very little after the sedative has been administered.


In this type of anaesthetic, local anaesthetic (numbing medicine) is injected at the surgical site (local) or around a nerve (regional) to reduce or completely remove pain sensation. A nerve block may be used to make a section of the body numb eg. arm, abdomen, legs or eyes. This technique is often combined with either general anaesthesia or sedation.